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Debora E. May, CPA, CFP®, CDFA®

Senior Advisor

"Divorce often is stressful and emotional, 因此,采取一种富有洞察力和同情心的方式,为双方寻求双赢的结果, when possible, 并为个人实现最好的未来生活选择. "

Debora E. May, CPA, CFP®,CDFA®喜欢和像她一样有远见的人一起工作. 她还希望这些人在她帮助他们制定投资策略时能够理解, she’s investing in a long-term partnership with them.

一位业界公认的专业人士,他的职业生涯是通过帮助整个华盛顿的个人而形成的, D.C. 大都市区,黛比拥有超过35年的综合经验 financial planning 并拥有超过30年的公共会计经验和提供投资咨询服务的经验. 她在个人和小型企业财务规划方面的经验得到了补充 tax planning and compliance experience and support for divorce planning, 这反映在与家庭法专业人士的多次合作中, including attorneys, social workers, and mental health professionals.

Debbie’s divorce knowledge spans collaborative divorce, litigation support, 调解和财务和解谈判,在数百个客户案件中取得令人满意的结果. 她还在许多离婚和房地产案件中提供专家证词,并参与了无数的调解. 她在300多起共同离婚案件中担任财务中立人.

她为自己的工作带来了富有洞察力和同情心的方法, to seek win-win outcomes for both parties in a divorce, when possible, 并为离婚人士寻求未来生活的最佳选择.

Debbie has been recognized several times, most recently in 2024, through a readers’ poll administered by Bethesda Magazine as a best financial advisor finalist. 她还于2022年被Bethesda杂志评为顶级金融专业人士.

Debbie co-founded May & Barnhard, P.C.该公司是一家总部位于马里兰州贝塞斯达的税务和财务咨询公司,于2017年11月并入老葡京手机app. She also co-founded and serves as senior advisor to MBI, LLC是一家独立的、收费的财务咨询和投资管理公司,也是老葡京手机app的子公司.

当她不帮助客户寻求一个平静而成功的财务未来时, Debbie enjoys playing golf, traveling with her husband, Jeff, and spending time with her children.

Professional Qualifications and Education

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®)
  • Registered Investment Advisor
  • B.S. Accounting & Finance, University of Maryland

Professional Associations and Activities

Speaking Engagements:


  • “名人堂-最佳财富顾问”-华盛顿杂志(2023)
  • “顶级金融专业人士”——Bethesda杂志(2022)
  • “最佳财务规划顾问”-华盛顿人杂志,10次